Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Extend the Life of Your Car

Many people are concerned with getting the most out of their car. A car is usually an individual's second most expensive investment behind their home. In order to protect your car and ensure that it lasts a long time, here are some important tips.

Most importantly: Read the manual.
This sounds simple, but for many, our manual sits in our glove compartment ignored. Take some time to read your car manual and learn about scheduled maintenance and other important information. Your manual will tell you how often you should get your oil changed, what your tire pressure should be, what fuel octane should be used, etc. Getting to know your car allows you to care for it better and more efficiently. This will help your car last longer and save you from expensive and unnecessary repairs.

Store your car well. Try to park your car in the shade or in a garage to protect it from the elements. If you are storing your car for extended periods of time, contact your mechanic for suggestions.

Check your oil and fluid levels. Many of the containers are clear or have a dipstick with level measurements. Take a look at your manual or speak to your mechanic to learn more about fluid levels.

Stay on top of your maintenance. Find out how often you should be bringing your car in. Keeping your car up-to-date on maintenance and repairs can prevent future car trouble and can extend the life of your vehicle. Here are some tips to keep your car in great shape.

Check your tire pressure and get your tires rotated. Low riding tires can decrease the life of the tire, decrease fuel economy, and effect stoppage time. Rotating your tires prevents the tires from wearing unevenly and allow you to get the most out of your tires.

Use your parking break. We often don't use our parking break unless we are on a hill. However, neglecting to use your parking break can cause unnecessary damage to your breaks and can decrease their life.

Wash your car regularly. Many people put off washing their car. Rust and corrosion can set in from dirt, acidic conditions, and scratches. Here's how to properly wash your car.