Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Car Ride Games - Part 2

            While summer time is the season of family vacation and long rides, the winter holidays are another popular travel time. Provided below are a list of some popular road trip games to help pass the time.

1.)  Going on a Picnic – The first player begins by saying “I'm going on a picnic and I am bringing (anything that begins with the letter A. Apples for example)” Players then take turns repeating what the previous player is bringing to the picnic but then adding an item to the list beginning with the next letter of the alphabet. For example the 4th player of the game might say “I am going on a picnic and I am bringing (A)pples, (B)ananas, (C)ats, and (D)odgeballs.”
ALTERNATIVE RULE: Instead of going on a picnic players can choose to describe an object. This game varies in that players can use adjectives instead of nouns. For a further challenge rather than repeating the list from A-Z, begin your turn on the next letter, (F for example) and repeat the list backwards,. For example if you were describing your dog the game might sound like this, “My dog is a (F)rosty, (E)normous, (D)eath-Defying.......(A)dorable person” 

2.)   Speak In Song – Carry on a conversation using only the titles or lyrics from songs.

3.)  50 States – A game for those geographical enthusiasts. List the numbers 1-50  on a piece of paper.  Then try to name all 50 states. To make things more interesting try to compete in groups of teams.
ALTERNATIVE RULE:If this is not enough of a challenge try another round of naming all 50 state capitols.

4.)  Listen and Draw – Supply each passenger with a piece of paper and writing utensil. Choose one person to be the “judge” for the round. The round beings by the judge drawing a quick picture on their own piece of paper, without showing anyone. Once the judge is finished they then proceed to describe their image to the other players. Once this is done, the player who's image most closely resembles the image of the judge wins and becomes the judge of the next round.